The Roscommon Public Participation Network Secretariat is made up of 9 elected members. Two of these seats are allocated to each of the three Sectorial Pillars (i.e. Community & Voluntary, Social Inclusion and Environmental) and the remaining three seats, are allocated to each of the three Municipal Districts. The members of the Secretariat are independent of Roscommon County Council and are elected by the members of Roscommon PPN.

The key responsibilities of the Secretariat are to:
- Coordinate and facilitate the activities of Roscommon PPN
- Devise guiding documents and proposals to present to the Plenary
- Implement the decisions of the Plenary while ensuring the proper functioning of the network in between these Plenaries
- Communicate with all PPN members and disseminate information concerning all PPN related activities
- Work closely with PPN Staff to enable them to deliver the PPN objectives
- Support the strategic development of Roscommon PPN
- Work to ensure the PPN is effective in its role to influence public policy
The Secretariat will meet as often as is needed to coordinate the activities of the PPN.